An Integrated Solution for Your Human Resources Processes!
In a competitive environment where people are the focus, human resources are gaining momentum as an increasingly strategic organizational unit. In this respect, it also brings with it the fact that the business applications using the requests such as the fast and efficient management of the human resources processes and the organizational professionals' instant access to the existing information are also accessible from the web environment in parallel with technological developments. j-platform 3 With HR's web-based structure, comprehensive product features and flexible structure that can be tailored to the needs of the business, you can achieve the optimization you need in your processes while reducing your work load. The various analyzes provided by j-platform 3 HR show you directions as strategic decisions are made. Transfer an unlimited number of reports from the system to Excel
you can do your analyzes. In addition, additional applications that will respond to changing demands of the company over time can be easily integrated into j-platform 3 HR, and user and employee numbers can be increased as desired.