
Support Services

Support and training services for SDM Software users are provided. These services are implemented in a wide range of services such as Project Consulting, User Training, Remote Link, On-Site Support, Tele-Support, Data Maintenance and Network and Database Consultancy, which are offered to provide instant solutions to the problems and needs that arise in the users' information infrastructure.

Tele-Support Service

Tele-support with telephone support for LOGO solutions is offered by Technical Support Specialists. Other days except the weekend, between 09.00-18.00 hours are applied. LOGO users can receive telephone support from the SDM by signing a Tele-Support Agreement. For more information you can call 0 (212) 233 41 00.

Network and Database Consulting

Technical support and consulting services offered by Network and Database Experts covering all of the infrastructure components that the system runs on as a whole to ensure that LOGO products comply with general and business specific performance criteria. These services include repairing and repairing performance problems of databases, checking the creation and stability of data backup procedures, detecting and resolving problems with remote connection, and providing solution to the company if emergency data or operating system problems can not be done remotely.

License Maintenance Services

What is LEM?

In today's world, software, technology and related business processes are constantly evolving. In the long run, the high return on software for companies can only be achieved by constantly updating software and adding new features. This increases the need for companies to be equipped with up-to-date business and process models in order to meet today's financial and managerial standards.

Logo Software has offered LEM (Logo Enterprise Membership) based on mutual and long-term trust to meet these needs from its users.

LEM; is a subscription system that enables users of up-to-date Logo product to benefit from the newly developed features and changes that are not sold as separate modules free of charge for 1 year.

With LEM, you can get the most up-to-date versions of the products used, new features and performance improvements added to this scope; Special prices can be used for user, employee, company upgrades and modules to be purchased.

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