e no longer have to queue and wait in line to pay taxes, bills, shopping or any debts because there is the Internet! E-Transformation not only facilitates the work of institutions, but also allows us to act quickly and safely in many areas personally. In this case, it is possible to define the concept of “e-Transformation”, which is one of the new terms that have entered our lives in recent years, as “the use of combination technologies”.
“Webs”, which are the common stakeholders of e-Transformation in our business, profession, academy or private life, help in the wide application of many services such as public administration, information production and management, security and economic management. It also provides high capabilities in producing and delivering interactive online services. Comparative analysis of e-Transformation for countries is the subject of increasingly larger studies.
e-Transformation in Turkey
The steps taken in this regard in Turkey, focusing on e-Transformation concept of "e-Transformation Turkey Project" possible to speak of. The Undersecretariat of the SPO is responsible for the coordination, monitoring, evaluation and orientation of the project. Founded in SPO and Information Society Department of the Prime Ministry Circular No. 2003/12 published on February 27, 2003 by e-Transformation Turkey Project's objectives, institutional structure and implementation principles have been determined.
The elements of the legislation created for the development and planning of e-Transformation in our country can be listed as follows:
* Right to Information Act No. 4982 of 9 October 2003
* Electronic Signature Law No. 5070 of January 15, 2004
* Universal Service Law No. 5369 of 16 June 2005
* “The Broadcasts on the Internet” dated May 4, 2007 and numbered 5651
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About Law
* Law on Support of Research and Development Activities No. 5746 dated 28 February 2008
A basic stage in e-Transformation: E-Signature
Information that is exchanged or exchanged over the internet needs "processing power" to reach a higher value. It can be said that the best application of this is “e-Signature”.
The signature represents a person's identity, on the other hand, the will to make a statement. E-Signature, which arises from the need to perform a secure signing process in electronic environment, performs the same function by using technology. e-Signature provides the electronic signature of the wet signature, which is a sign made up of special lines and letters used for the name. There are successful examples regarding the transition to e-signature in our country.
authority to edit the electronic e-transformation process in Turkey Ministry of Finance Revenue Administration (IOP) d. The transition to electronic document (e-Document) and electronic book (e-Book) applications is provided by the IOP.
The initial stage of the e-Invoice application and the first pilot application are the Electronic Invoice Registration System (EFKS). Invoices within this scope are issued as an electronic archive (e-Archive) Invoice.
Along with the invoice, the supplementary document delivery note was added to the e-Invoice package and guides prepared by GİB in November 2016. Thus, electronic waybill (e-Waybill) application is also included in the system.
E-Book application in Turkey, accounting record function and classification functions in the journal meets with the general ledger. In the initial phase, e-Transformation started on the basis of these books, which must be kept on a balance sheet basis.