It provides ease of use to employees as well as error-free data entry opportunity. With this facility, the employees easily define many features from organization chart to budget items, and put their budgets into practice quickly.
With the main package you can prepare 5 different budgets. You can also get a budget increase license if needed.
When you integrate Logo Mind Budget and Logo ERP products (GO 3 & Tiger 3 & Tiger Wings & Netsis 3 & Netsis Wings series products and j-Platform), ready-made models are created and with the help of these models, you can reflect your actual data on the budget.
Yeah; budget items that make up your budget structure, your organization, you can convert the size of the template used by the application, then you can provide direct export from Excel.
In order to understand the basic concepts in the application (budget line, organization, size, sub-budget) and to see how this template is created with a data entry screen, you can create a sample budget by saying iniz Would you like to create a sample budget? ”During the installation. According to the sample structure in this budget you can easily analyze your own company structure and create your own template.
You can easily enter your data directly from the Logo Mind Budget editor. In addition, you can transfer both planned and actual data through Excel. In addition, you can capture data from different applications using ready-made models or user-defined models. You can also extract data from another sub-budget within the budget with the help of formulas.
In order to transfer data from another data source to Logo Mind Budget, a structure must be provided that matches the row on which you will draw data with the values in the data source. Once this match is achieved correctly, a “Scheduled Task mutlak must be defined in order to access the data source over a period of time and receive live data.
After preparing the infrastructure of two different budgets separately, you can transfer the total values of these two budgets to a new budget with the easy formula interface and view your companies and consolidated states separately.
You can use standard financial report templates (cash flow, income statement, balance sheet) or create your own custom financial report templates. You can create your planned financial reports by pulling data with formulas over the planned values you entered in the application.
No; The range we call the "budget period" can be tailored to your needs. You can create budgets that do not fill a full year, such as January to September, or you can create a budget period for a period of time longer than one year.
By keeping the approved budget as the “Core Budget,, you can create new revisions as of the date you want to make changes.
With the budget copy engine, you can replicate your previous periods' budgets with data and formulas if you wish, or as blank templates if you wish.
From the user authorization menu; You can define the authority of users on budget / sub-budget / organization basis, and you can provide authorization for actions that these users can perform on budget (formulas, export to Excel, data connection etc.).
Yeah; Logo Mind Budget allows you to manage your items from different currency types within a single budget. You can also follow the currency type definitions and planned / actual exchange rate values through the application.
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